Mother, This is what you should do when you are 8 months pregnant
Entering the third trimester, the condition of pregnant women not only affects the health of the baby, but also the smooth delivery later. Therefore, there are several things that pregnant women need to do when they are 8 months pregnant or after entering this third trimester.
During pregnancy, pregnant women need to avoid many things, such as consuming alcoholic or caffeinated drinks, eating raw or undercooked foods, and smoking.
But outside the prohibition, there are several things that precisely Bumil needs to do so that the health condition of Bumil and her baby in the womb is maintained.
Things to Do in the Third Trimester
The following are some things you should do when you are 8 months pregnant:1. Increase body weight
In the third trimester of pregnancy, doctors usually recommend pregnant women to increase body weight, which is about 0.5 pounds per week. This is important to maintain the health of pregnant women and fetuses. To support weight gain during pregnancy, pregnant women need to get at least 300 extra calories every day. Eggs, milk, whole grains, and fruits can be food choices to meet those calorie needs.2. Drink enough water
During this pregnancy, pregnant women should drink water if at least 8 glasses per day, plus 1 glass each time after doing light activities. Lack of drinking water can cause dehydration which can cause a variety of health problems, both for pregnant women and your child. To find out if Bumil has drunk enough water or not, try to pay attention to the color of urine when Bumil urinates. If the urine is yellowish or even dark in color, it could be a sign that Bumil is drinking less water.3. Consumption of balanced nutritious food
Pregnant women need to eat good food during pregnancy to get the calorie intake and nutrients needed by the body. Some important nutrients to be fulfilled during pregnancy are protein, iron, folic acid, calcium, and vitamins. Nutrient intake can be obtained from several types of food, such as fruits, vegetables, fish, yogurt, and cheese. If necessary, pregnant women can take pregnancy supplements to meet those nutritional needs.4. Exercise regularly
As long as there is no high risk of giving birth prematurely, pregnant women can still exercise in the third trimester of pregnancy. Routine exercise will provide many benefits for pregnant women, including overcoming back pain, relieving constipation and flatulence, increasing muscle strength and endurance, and making quality sleep. Pregnant women can choose a leisurely stroll, swim, or yoga as a sport during pregnancy, in this eighth month. However, avoid overdoing it and always follow the doctor's orders.5. Get enough rest
With the frequent urge to urinate and the difficulty of finding a comfortable position when lying down, sleep can be a challenge for pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Not to mention if pregnant women experience interference during sleep due to stress, leg cramps, or back pain. Adequate rest is needed during this pregnancy, because lack of rest will increase the risk of pregnant women experiencing a variety of complications, including preeclampsia and growth disorders. To get quality sleep, here are some tips that pregnant women can apply:- Use a special pillow for pregnant women.
- Limit consumption of soft drinks and caffeine.
- If pregnant women often experience leg cramps during sleep, try to straighten the legs and put the feet in a higher position while sleeping. In addition, leg cramps can also be overcome by foot massage and using special stockings for pregnant women.
- Sleep in a sideways position to the left and as much as possible avoid sleeping on your back for a long time. Sleeping in a sideways position to the left will launch blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys, so that pregnant women can sleep more comfortably.
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